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Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2007

Bangun Rumah

Bangun Rumah
Rumah Bpk. Wibisono (Tampak Samping-Depan)

Mau Membangun Rumah ? atau Merenovasi Rumah ? Jangan kemana - mana, di tempatnya !

  • Renovasi Rumah atau 'Bedah Rumah'

  • Membangun Rumah Baru,

  • Disain Arsitektur dan perhitungan RAB

  • Membangun Taman

  • dll

Team didukung oleh tenaga - tenaga Arsitek, Sipil dan tukang bangunan berpengalaman, telah puluhan tahun bekerja dan berkarya di bidang rancang bangun perumahan ( Perumahan Mewah, Sedang, maupun perumahan sederhana ).

Memberikan SOLUSI kepada Anda bukan hanya disain 'Jasa Arsitektur','bongkar rumah','Desain Rumah' atau 'Sket Rumah' untuk 'Rumah Mewah' maupun 'Rumah Sedang' sampai 'Rumah Sederhana' dan Pelaksanaan, tetapi juga Solusi Biaya yang dapat di hemat, dengan system pelaksanaan bangunan yang fleksibel sesuai budget keuangan dan kebutuhan Anda.

Team bangun rumah memiliki 'Tukang Bangunan', 'Mandor' 'Konsultan' 'Arsitek' dan 'Pengawas' kerja berpengalaman.

Kami tidak memilih - milih pekerjaan, pekerjaan kecil maupun besar adalah sama dimata kami, kami siap membantu Anda memberikan SOLUSI terbaik.

Untuk Konsultasi Arsitektur sekaligus Rencana 'Bangun Rumah Baru', 'bedah rumah', 'Renovasi Rumah', 'Desain Arsitektur', 'Desain Rumah Tinggal', 'Perencanaan Rumah Tinggal', 'Desain Villa & Resort', 'Desain Ruko & Kantor', 'Desain Interior', 'Desain Landscape Pertamanan', 'Desain Swimming Pool Whirpool', 'Sauna & Spa', 'Gambar Kerja Arsitektur', 'Gambar Kerja Struktur', 'Gambar Kerja ME IMB', 'Gambar Perspektif 3D Presentasi', 'Desain Rumah Minimalis', 'Desain Rumah Modern', 'Studio Arsitektur' Anda dapat langsung menghubungi :

Bp. Ir. Widi Sudarmoko ( Arsitek )

Telp : 021 - 687 99 228

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Interior Design

Interior Design

By Tim Carter
©1993-2007 Tim Carter

Summary: Interior design can add a lot to your home if you work with the right group of people. Interior designers, architects and contractors should be part of your team. Be ready to tell your interior design team what you like and want. Interior designers will know how to work with you if you pre-plan some of your likes and wants. Take pictures and make lists.

To accomplish this project you are going to need to assemble three additional teammates around yourself: an interior designer, a seasoned residential architect, and the remodeling contractor who will put the finished plan into action. All three team members will need to work together towards your goal.

Early in the game the interior designer is probably the most valuable player. You need to draft a designer who is accredited by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Many of these professionals have college degrees in interior design. They have been tested and trained to focus on how a room or series of rooms will be used. The designer will work closely with you to develop the best overall floor plan. After the function issues are addressed, they will address the feel and look of each room.

Before the designer gets to work you need to consult with the architect. This professional can quickly tell you what interior walls are the toughest to modify or move. Even though money is not an object, moving bearing walls can be costly and time consuming. Should it become necessary, bearing walls can often be replaced by large overhead or hidden beams. Have the architect draft a preliminary plan showing what walls are load bearing and those that are not. The interior designer will find this plan most useful.

You can assist the interior designer early in the process. Take photographs of any furniture that you currently own that you know you want to use. Begin to look at magazines and books that contain photos of things that you want. Assemble these and tell the designer what you like in each photograph. The designer may be able to detect a theme or color scheme based upon your photo gallery. Feel free to visit furniture stores as well. Fabrics, colors and textures in a simulated setting may trigger a desire in your mind.

Create a priority list. Put the things that are absolute needs at the top and the things that are lavish treats at the bottom. Eventually your budget will shake out what you will finally get.

Using all of your data, the interior designer should be able to draw up a preliminary floor plan. This illustration should be shared with the architect as soon as it is done. The architect will probably make helpful comments or suggestions that will keep the project pointed in the right direction. Once everyone agrees with the preliminary plan, the architect can begin to transform these ideas into working blueprints and specifications.

Once the plans and specifications are complete, the architect and designer can help you locate a reputable contractor. Architects and designers work with solid, knowledgeable contractors on a routine basis. They know the limitations of each contractor. Interview three contractors and ask for references. Go visit jobs that are at least one to two years old. Ask the homeowners about their contracting experience. Ask what they would do differently. If you do your homework, you will quickly spot the right contractor.

Say you can't afford an interior designer or you want to get some great ideas for decorating this may be a great way to start. Better Homes and Gardens' The New Decorating Book picks up where most large decorating books leave off. The illustrations and photos in this book are just fabulous. This 400 plus page book has nearly 500 glossy color photos of everything from whole houses to such details as picture arrangements and tabletop accessories that turn basic spaces into warm personal ones. Special features include, a quick-read format, house tours showing decorating solutions in action, room makeovers and much, much more. To purchase it, just click the photo of the book.

Onduline Roofing

Onduline Product Rewiew

Onduline (atap cellulose) is an attractive, lightweight but extremely tough corrugated roofing and wall cladding material. Its proven weathering qualities coupled with the ease and safety with which it can be handled and fixed have resulted in it being used extensively on a wide range of buildings across the globe in all kinds of climatic conditions.

Since its development over 50 years ago Onduline has benefited from a continuing process of development and is now offered as a roofing system complete with a comprehensive range of accessories able to deliver effective solutions to many of your roofing needs.

Product applications

Onduline Roofing System
Onduline products giving the best light weight roofing system for various kind of applications, ether on multi layered roof system or single layered roof applications.
Curved Roof System
The flexibility of the Onduline sheet makes them perfect for curved roof projects.
Oversheeting System
Onduline's light weight makes it ideal for oversheeting existing deteriorated corrugated or felted roofs

Ondutile Underlay System

Onduline can be used for undersheeting applications, forms a tough secondary roof under tiles and slates, allowing them to be used below the manufacturer's minimum recommended pitch

Vertical Cladding System

The tough weathering qualities of Onduline profiled sheets coupled with their inherent rigidity make them an ideal choice for vertical cladding. They can be fixed to either timber or steel framed buildings

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2007

Home Restoration

Rehab - Home Restoration

By Tim Carter
©1993-2007 Tim Carter

Summary: Rehab of an older home can be a daunting task. You need to make a list of some of the challenges you face. Your fixer upper may take some financing. It will definitely take tools, lumber and fixtures of many types. Talk with others who have rehabbed houses to get their input.

The obstacles you face are many. Some are small and others may sap all of your physical strength and willpower. Perhaps the biggest issue in my opinion is money: Do you have enough money to finish the project? This project financing can be in the form of savings and a loan(s) of some type. Do not purchase this home until you are sure you have written commitments for all of the money. Traditional lenders may not welcome you with open arms as you are not a professional builder / remodeler. The lenders would consider you a very high risk. Grants and low-interest loans may be available through local or regional government programs.

But how much money will it cost to turn this neglected property into one that is livable? It is not an easy question to answer. You start by making a list of each and every item you will need to make this shell into a finished product. Feel free to use your existing home as a model. For example, go room-by-room and look at all of the finished surfaces. You can calculate the number of sheets of drywall each room will require. You can determine the amount and type of finished lumber trim for each room. Doors, windows, finished flooring, hardware, etc. can all be identified fairly easily. Look at every surface and imagine what it needed to make it finished.

Expensive items, such as kitchen and bath cabinets, countertops, plumbing and electrical fixtures, can also be priced out with relative ease. There are economy grades that are somewhat affordable that will work for you. Try to select fixtures that are user-friendly with respect to installation. For example, you may save lots of time buying and installing an acrylic tub and shower unit instead of buying an inexpensive steel tub and then installing ceramic tile around this fixture.

Because my new bride had a full time job, that brought in just enough money to pay our bills, I was able to work on my house 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Will you have this luxury? If not, small tasks that might take a professional a day or so could take you weeks of labor. Working on a house after putting in time at a regular job is fine for a month or so, but the added work starts to take its toll on your performance at both jobs.

I have seen people spend years trying to restore and remodel a house such as you describe. Your interest in the project may wane, and if that happens, you start to neglect the house that already has been neglected. Because of local laws and ordinances, some tasks you are thinking of doing may have to be done by professionals. It is not uncommon for a city to prohibit do-it-yourselfers from working with public water supply systems and sewage piping.

I would highly recommend that you try to find other people who have recently completed a project like this. Ask them if they would do it again. Ask them what surprises they encountered. Speaking of surprises, be absolutely sure you have a home inspector look at the house so a full list of defects can be compiled. You may have missed important structural damage, termite activity, lead and asbestos liabilities that can cost tens of thousands of dollars to remedy. Don't forget to assess the water service and sewage/septic situation at the same time.

The list of materials needed to restore a single family house can easily contain hundreds of items. It is imperative that you not miss many of these items. The room-by-room approach is good, but it must also include simple things such as electrical outlets, switches, cover plates, etc. Who would think there are nearly 30 parts or more just to install a circuit breaker panel? Think of all of the individual fittings needed to install all of the drainage and water supply piping in a home.

Certain tasks may require a professional. Heating and cooling equipment is very sophisticated and special tools, gauges, etc. are required to install it. Roofing work may be too intimidating for the average do-it-yourselfer. Certain cities or towns may only allow licensed people to install plumbing or electrical systems. All of these things need to be investigated, before you take the leap.

Tips Menata Rumah

Menata Rumah dengan Kebebasan Berekspresi

Summary : Rumah selaku tempat hunian kita sehari-hari, bukan hanya mesti menjadi lokasi perlindungan yang sehat dan nyaman. Namun, paling penting, bisa membuat penghuninya betah bila berada di rumahnya sendiri.

Rumah tinggal bukan hanya sekadar tempat beristirahat setelah lelah bekerja. Akan tetapi ia harus bisa menemani sebagai obat relaksasi yang sepadan. Sebab sulit dan merepotkan bila kita sering minggat dari rumah, lantaran kondisinya yang berdisain interior “sakit” atau membuat jemu.

Sebab menata rumah yang tepat, harus dilakukan dengan gaya kemauan diri sendiri sebagai bentuk dari kebebasan berekspresi. Yang pada ujungnya bisa memberi kepuasan tak ternilai bagi seluruh anggota keluarga.

Apalagi pilihan tren penataan dekorasi rumah terus melakukan pengembangan menarik, sejalan dengan tiap individu manusia bergaya busana. Kalau bertanya tren apa saja yang kini digandrungi para pemilik rumah di mana-mana, sebagian diantaranya adalah classic du jour, vintage dan retro.

Produk interior rumah masa kini memang telah melebur dengan jagat fashion, dan menjadi kebutuhan kaum urban. Gaya dan penataan interior kini berputar mengikuti tren global. Bahkan kini beberapa pilihan disain interior memiliki tempat khusus (berbeda dengan department store), yang menyediakan perlengkapan interior dan aksesoris rumah.

Pusat perbelanjaan retail home dianggap penting keberadaannya saat ini, karena menyediakan perpaduan kreativitas disain yang dibutuhkan pemilik rumah, variasi pilihannya berkelas beserta pelayanannya yang sangat mendukung selera pembaharuan para pemilik rumah. Mulai dari living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom hingga dapur yang antara lain adalah hasil rancangan disainer interior dunia seperti Henry Dean, Tozai, Lene Bjerre, Dolce Vita, Viviane Faye, Drago, Blumarine Home, Typhoon, Butterfly Elite, Portaintavola, dan Arnolfo di Cambio.

Salah satu contohnya adalah tren vintage style dari Thomas Elliott yang kini disukai di Amerika Serikat (untuk ruang tidur). Atau, berbagai vas gaya retro yang penuh warna modern. Serta ruang makan dengan perlengkapan sofa relaksasi bercorak bunga meriah, berwarna oranye cerah, dan kursi-kursi menawan ciptaan Leonard Theosabrata.

Perubahan berbagai gaya interior yang terasa cepat dan perlu diketahui orang, ikut mendorong keinginan Janti J Brasali (owner) dan Nugroho Setiadharma (Presiden Direktur) meresmikan pusat belanja retail home Home & Beyond di kawasan Jalan Warung Buncit Raya, pekan lalu.

Menurut Nugroho, tren sekarang jauh daripada dulu yang minimalis. “Kini tren dunia beralih ke klasik kontemporer dan retro. Kalau dulu kesulitan orang mengatur keindahan interior rumah, karena sulitnya menemukan aksesoris. Kini segalanya mudah ditampilkan dan dihadirkan. Perbedaan lainnya adalah dalam hal servis pelayanan, termasuk konsultasi, tukar pikiran dan saran dari disainer interior yang turut membantu,” tambahnya.

Intinya, pelanggan bisa bebas memilih produk dengan style dan taste masing-masing. “Karena masing-masing orang punya ciri sendiri, agar tampilan rumah benar-benar jadi feel at home sesuai pilihannya sendiri. Kami tinggal perkenalkan berbagai style baru dari home decorations, dan mereka (para pelanggan) bisa menentukan jati dirinya,” sambung Nugroho.Kegiatan mendekor rumah memang aktivitas yang tidak pernah surut. Meski krisis ekonomi begitu menyulitkan siapa saja, investasi demi keindahan rumah berjalan terus. (john js)